To create new polices, I have been working on this script. It takes a list of settings like:
Name : Test Policy (HR)
AllowNonProvisionableDevices : False
AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired : False
AttachmentsEnabled : True
DeviceEncryptionEnabled : False
RequireStorageCardEncryption : False
AllowCamera : True
and then creates or modifies the policy, when I simply paste the notes into the script when prompted.
Some things I worked on with this script:
- Using the Invoke-Expression option to run the command numerous times without coding for each option. This assumes that the input is valid (and not for a different version of Exchange).
- Reading the built-in $ERROR logs to find specific entries with the script. Sometimes people give you values that the Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy do not accept. I wanted the script to return those values. When complete, you should get a breakdown of each entry that returned an error.
<# .SYNOPSIS Configure ActiveSync Mailbox Policy .DESCRIPTION Copy and Paste description of ActiveSync Policy into Script and it will create/modify policy. #> Write-Host "Paste in your AS Policy settings:" $s=@();do {$r=Read-Host "+";if($r -ne ""){$s+=$r.trim()}} while ($r -ne "") if (($s -match "Name").count -eq 0) { $asPolicyName = Read-Host "Policy Name" } $ExistingPolicy = Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy $asPolicyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($ExistingPolicy -eq $null) { New-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -Name $asPolicyName } $CapturedErrors = @() ForEach ($value in $s) { $sp = $value.split(":") $Prop = $sp[0].trim() [string]$PVstr = $sp[1].trim() if ($PVstr -eq "True") { $pvstr = "1" } elseif ($pvstr -eq "false") { $pvstr = "0" } elseif ($pvstr -eq "{}") { $pvstr = "$null"} $execStr = "Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -identity '"+$asPolicyName+"' -"+$Prop +" "+ $PVstr +" -erroraction silentlyContinue" Invoke-Expression $execStr -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $E = $Error $FoundError = $e | ?{$_ -like "*"+$prop+"*" -and $_ -like "*"+$pvstr +"*" } if ($FoundError -is [array]) { [array]$CapturedErrors += $FoundError[0] write-host $FoundError[0] } else { Write-Host $FoundError [array]$CapturedErrors += $FoundError } }
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