These two script segments run through the mailboxes and do some cleanup.
First off, delete devices on mailboxes that are not enabled for activesync.
$WhatOU = "HR" $ASDisabledmbxWithDevices = get-CASmailbox -organizationalunit $WhatOU -resultsize unlimited -Filter '(ActiveSyncEnabled -eq $false)' | ?{((get-activesyncdevice -mailbox $_.identity) -ne $null)}#Generate Report of devices that will be removed. $ASDisabledmbxWithDevices | %{Get-ActiveSyncDevice -mailbox $_.identity} | select Identity, DeviceOS, DeviceID | export-csv ".\Disabled-AS-Mailbox-Removed-Device-Report.csv" #Do cleanup... $ASDisabledMbxWithDevices | %{Get-ActiveSyncDevice -mailbox $_.identity} | remove-activesyncdevice -confirm:$false
Secondly, look for mailboxes that have attached devices, but the last successful sync is more than ## days old. I had to add a clause where I'd avoid mailboxes where the first sync was more recent than my 'daysback' variable.
$WhatOU = "HR" $daysBack = -45 #Remove devices that haven't successfully synced with your environment in this many days. $NoSyncDate = $(Get-date).adddays($daysback) #Get all mailboxes enabled for activesync that have not synced in last $DAYSBACK days. $EnabledForAS = Get-CASMailbox -OrganizationalUnit $WhatOU -resultsize unlimited -Filter '(ActiveSyncEnabled -eq $true -and HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership -eq $true)' #Grab statistics before removing devices $DeviceCountStats = $EnabledForAS | select name, @{Name="Before";Expression={$cnt = get-activeSyncDevice -mailbox $_.identity; if ($cnt -is [array]) {$cnt.count} elseif ($cnt -eq $null) {0} else {1} }},@{Name="After";Expression=" "} | sort activesyncdevicecount,name $OldLastSync = $EnabledForAS | %{Get-ActiveSyncDevice -Mailbox $_.identity } | ?{$SyncStat = Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -identity $_.identity; $SyncStat.lastsuccesssync -le $NoSyncDate -and $SyncStat.firstSyncTime -le $NoSyncDate } #Generate some reports on devices to remove... $OldLastSync | get-activesyncdevicestatistics | select Identity,FirstSyncTime, LastSuccessSync | export-csv ".\Old-Devices-Report.csv" $OldLastSync | remove-activesyncdevice -confirm:$false #Returns # of devices associated with enabled mailboxes $DeviceCountStats = $EnabledForAS | %{$cnt = get-activeSyncDevice -mailbox $_.identity; if ($cnt -is [array]) {$_.after=$cnt.count} elseif ($cnt -eq $null) {$_.after = 0} else {$_.after =1} } #Consider Disabling ActiveSync for these mailboxes with 0 active devices. $DeviceCountStats | FL
In both cases, when leaving the $WHICHOU variable empty, I ran against my entire environment. Running these against my environment, I've been able to reduce my over-all device count down to 3,339 attached devices.
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